The modern approach to traffic data acquisition


Recognising the pivotal role of traffic dynamics in effective urban planning and traffic management, Skytech Cambridge introduces a cutting-edge drone solution for modern traffic surveys.

Elevating traffic analysis to new levels, we offer a myriad of data and behavioural insights. We're pioneering a new era of integrated traffic intelligence with our state-of-the-art video analytics solutions.


At the core of our business philosophy lies a commitment to meticulous data collection characterised by integrity. We prioritise precise analysis and reporting to ensure accuracy and reliability in our operations.


With the advancements in drone technology and A.I, we are pleased to offer fast, reliable and accurate drone based traffic surveys. Each bespoke survey includes:

  • A video CGI analysis presentation.
  • Exported RAW and aggregated datasets.
  • Customisable metrics to focus on the data that matters to you.

Vehicle Speed Analysis

Capturing completely unbiased vehicle speeds can be a challenge. The mere presence of speed cameras or conventional logging vehicles can affect data accuracy. People generally drive in a different manner when they think they are being monitored.

Our drones fly at an average of 100-120m above the ground meaning that motorists are generally unaware that their speed is being monitored. This allows us to log unbiased metrics in a wide range of different environments.

Traffic Classification Detection

Traffic data can be easily be counted and classified by using an auto-detection algorithm. It is capable of reliably detecting cars, light commercial vehicles, large commercial vehicles, buses, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians. Each object is tracked for the duration that it appears in the frame and can be analysed individually; as part of other objects in the same group classification; or as part of the overall dataset.

Zone Waiting Time Analysis

Areas designated as a 'Set down area', 'Time limited free parking' or 'Waiting Prohibited' are often misused by motorists. We can detect vehicles in a given area and automatically determine how long they were present. This is a useful metric for understanding if further preventative measures are needed.

ATC (Automatic Traffic Counters)

ATC's are virtual gates positioned anywhere within the frame. Once set, they collect accurate data such as vehicle speeds, classification, flow of traffic and, of course, crossing counts. There are no limit to how many gates can be configured within a scene negating the need for on the ground traditional counters.

Traffic studies for all road users

All Motorised Road Vehicles



A wealth of customisable metrics

Object Classification

Classify traffic into many different categories from vehicles, non-vehicular entities, cars and pedestrians. Skytech Cambridge ensures accurate classification for a comprehensive understanding of traffic composition.

Vehicle Trajectory Visualisation

Visualise precise vehicle and pedestrian trajectories. These detailed visualisations serve as a baseline for calculating various traffic metrics, enabling a deeper analysis of traffic patterns.

Time Gap Analysis

Understand traffic flow behaviour with valuable time-gap information. We can report average time-gaps for the entire flow or specific vehicle classes, aiding in the calculation of parameters such as saturation flows.

Travel Time

Calculate precise travel time information for different traffic types passing through detection gates. Customise reports to focus on the entire flow, specific vehicle classes, or individual objects.

Peak Traffic Analysis

Identify peak traffic counts and times, crucial for effective traffic planning. Custom data for all traffic movements, allowing you to pinpoint individual peaks or differentiate between morning and afternoon peaks.

Freeflow Analysis

Identify free-flow conditions, differentiating them from congested periods. This knowledge serves as an important baseline for calculating essential traffic parameters.

Automatic Traffic Counts (ATCs)

Analyse traffic movements effortlessly with instant counts irrespective of junction complexity. Provides a comprehensive picture of traffic flow.

Traffic Speed

Unbiased and accurate speed measurements. Can be configured to assess individual classes of vehicles; vehicles exceeding speed limits; or to assess average vehicle speeds.

Delays and Waiting Time

Identify peak traffic times and assess the extent of delays by analysing waiting times and saturation.

Acceleration and Deceleration Analysis

Discover the effectiveness of transitions between varying road speed limits by understanding motorist behaviour. 

And so much more....

Each and every project we work on is optimised to output the most important and accurate data possible. There is almost no limit to the array of traffic metrics that we can deliver for your project.

If you have considered a traffic survey in the past but have been dissuaded due to the potential logistical and planning complexities of a traditional traffic survey, rest assured that our drone operations are quick and simple to set up. We are fully authorised by the CAA; are fully insured; and operate with safety as our number one priority.

Have a question or query?

We aim to respond to all enquiries within 24 hours but usually much sooner.

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